By William Jackson Research and development grants are available from the Homeland Security Department’s Science and Technology Directorate to help the technology needs of first responders, but matching the money with the needs of state and local agencies has proved difficult, a House panel was told May 9. A joint hearing of two Homeland Security Committee subcommittees questioned federal officials about efforts to prioritize R&D spending and questioned local officials on how their…
READ ARTICLEDecember 12th, 2011
By the CNN Wire Staff A video camera mounted inside the police car of a Virginia Tech police officer slain Thursday showed a man with a weapon who appears to be same person as a man who was later found shot dead about a quarter of a mile away, a Virginia state police official said Thursday night. Maj. Rick Jenkins added that, at this point in this investigation, “we cannot say definitively” that the second victim had fired the shots that killed Officer Deriek W. Crouse. But the man does…