Below you’ll be able to use these links to watch a video clip of on each of these topics. Fireside Chat with Diane Brady: Securing the Digital Economy – [Video Clip] 5th Annual Cybersecurity Summit – [Video Clip] Can anyone guarantee the security of personal data online? – [Video Clip] How the Trump administration boosts internet security – [Video Clip] Cybersecurity in Transition – [Video Clip] U.S. Cyber Policy Conference: Panel on Public-Private Innovation and…
READ ARTICLEOctober 29th, 2018

By Lookout Over the past decade, the federal government has followed the rest of society in a general move towards mobility. The trend toward mobility is an essential part of fulfilling the government’s mission of service to the American public. More functionality and power is being put into mobile devices, which is a very positive development. As more functionality moves to mobile however, it becomes an increasingly valuable threat vector. We recently sat down with Kiersten Todt, the…
READ ARTICLEJuly 27th, 2017
By Jeff StoneThe Wall Street Journal Private sector heavyweights are uniting as part of an effort to help small- and medium-sized enterprises increase their awareness about digital threats and mitigate cyber risks. The Cyber Readiness Institute, launched Wednesday, is a nonprofit organization that aims to help SMEs navigate the world of cybersecurity by connecting executives with top U.S. business leaders and third-party organizations. The organization’s co-chairs include Satya Nadella,…
READ ARTICLEJuly 27th, 2017
The former Executive Director of the President’s Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity Kiersten Todt speaks out on ‘Special Report’ Click to view full story
READ ARTICLEJune 1st, 2017

PITTSBURGH — The former executive director of the Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity has a new position as resident scholar at the University of Pittsburgh Institute for Cyber Law, Policy, and Security, effective today. Kiersten Todt headed up the national cybersecurity commission, which helped carry out President Barack Obama’s Cybersecurity National Action Plan. Its members — top strategic, business and technical thinkers from outside government — worked to strengthen…